
I encountered a set of distinct challenges that needed careful consideration and innovation to overcome. The existing account management system presented significant usability issues. The navigation was burdened by clunkiness, leading users to outdated information and disrupting the natural flow when attempting to access relevant content. The lack of efficient pathways often resulted in users resorting to customer support for help, owing to the absence of accessible self-help options for device-related concerns. Additionally, the interface suffered from a barrage of stacked messaging, which not only overwhelmed users but also hindered external messaging from effectively reaching its audience.


To address these challenges, I conceptualized and developed an upgraded dashboard that revolutionized the DirectV account management experience. The centerpiece of this solution was a centralized dashboard that streamlined device management and information access.

By introducing a more centralized navigation structure, users could effortlessly locate up-to-date information without the frustration of outdated content. The new dashboard empowered users to efficiently manage their devices, content and or buy new items. Negating the need for extensive customer support interactions.

Furthermore, I reimagined the messaging system to strike a balance between internal and external communication. This not only alleviated messaging overload but also improved user engagement and comprehension.

Through these strategic design enhancements, the revamped dashboard not only resolved navigation and information flow issues but also ushered in a new era of user-centric account management at DirectV.


We delved into user pain points, addressing issues like navigation difficulties, outdated information, and message overload. These insights fueled our drive to enhance functionality and elevate user satisfaction.

Simultaneously, we collaborated with the marketing team to seamlessly integrate our solution into their content strategy. This ensured DirectV's offerings reached the right audience across channels, strengthening our brand impact.

I ensured we collected the correct user stories and aligned them to the business goals.

Taken user stories from our product manager

Understanding User Pain Points

In this segment, we plunge into the core of the issue—user grievances. Our exploration ventured into the existing landscape of experiences and data points, enabling us to empathize with their challenges while meticulously analyzing their pain points.

Data Insights

Upon analyzing user data, it was evident that a substantial portion of our user base was engaging with our platform via mobile devices. A deeper dive revealed a surge in users wanting to conveniently manage their accounts, make purchases, and view their bills while on the move. However, the lack of mobile optimization for billing, payments, and item browsing was leading to frustration and hampering conversions.

Omitted results due to legal reasons

Blueprint for Transformation: Designing the Solution

With user insights and marketing objectives in hand, we outline the architecture of our solution. We conceptualized an upgraded dashboard—a centralized space that would alleviate navigational hiccups and curate up-to-date information. This section details the design process, from wireframes to prototypes, reflecting how we nurtured the solution from ideation to a tangible design. Keeping in mind of best practices, UI standards, accessibility, and compliances.

Usability testing

The pivotal moment arrives as we introduce the metamorphosed DirectV experience. In this phase, we delve into the unveiling, launch, and practical application of the enhanced dashboard. Through insightful exploration, we spotlight its prowess in tackling navigation hurdles, thus paving the way for a fresh era of user-centric account management. Concurrently, this stage runs parallel to the construction and continuous evolution of the complete DTV design library. We needed to test and validate our approach with this new design.

Small updates
  • Changed the support section to be more call clear
  • Re-ordered cards based on a survey that met expectations of the users


This project highlighted the power of data-driven design decisions. By leveraging user insights, I was able to prioritize and address pain points, resulting in a more cohesive and effective mobile user experience. The project reinforced the importance of adaptability in design, as user needs evolve over time, and validated the efficacy of integrating animations to enhance interactions and create a more engaging journey.

Rekated work.


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