Marblerun Works App

Marblerun Works app store link


My client wanted to study students for her thesis by tracking their goals throughout the semester. She needed a way to track their habits, goals, and a non-manual process to track the data into a spread sheet. By tracking your goals through collecting marbles and if you miss your goal, then you lose your marbles. "Pun" intended.

Due to cost of the project resources and with the aim to keep it fairly low cost app development, I looked to build the app through Adalo. Which is a no-code app platform that uses react native to build and launch iOS and Android apps. You can also build web or progressive web apps as well.

I partnered with a developer who understood how to build apps through Adalo. We focused our efforts on the ability to collect marbles and what that may look like live, so we can communicate that with the client and build everything else around that.


1. Understand the initial idea, concept, business, and future proofing the app

2. Competitor analysis

3. Low-mid fidelity wireframing and get feedback from client, and the developer.

4. Journey mapping & Architecture mapping of the initial app

5. Final design and feedback with client

6. Developer handoff and trial and error launching on both Apple & Google play

What I learned

— The client wanted a small social aspect of the app. Giving the ability for a public social feed for users to share their progress by posting about it. I never included a way for the user to report others post. Without that, Apple rejected our app. So I created a small experience to allow users to report any negative posts.

— The client was overall pleased throughout the process, and we connected the initial database to a spread sheet which was a hassle overall.

— Using Adalo at the time was very clunky and slow. As the tool was still in a bit of an early phase. However, the app has gone through a lot of improvements.

Rekated work.


Redefining account management


Disruptive collaborative note taking app

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